Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sometimes it's not your shoes that travel

I had my shoes tied and ready to go. Then BAM. God smack. I was looking for a break, for some time to spend in the beauty and majestic fall world away from here, but what I was really looking for was an escape. Instead of my shoes, God meant for my heart to travel. 
See, a traveling heart walks much slower than my feet. Hence, why it's taken a month for me to get my head together to sit down and blog again. My heart has slid down the valley into this rather dark chasm, but slowly it's working it's way back up to the stop. There are days when I can see the sun more creeping over the tip top of the dark crater and there are days when it seems I will never feel the warmth of his rays again. 
As it is with traveling feet, you never know what may happen; a tire blows, engine stalls, there's no gas station for miles and the gas light just blinked its ominous orange light. A traveling heart is much the same. You can get lost down the curvy roads. I enjoyed the view for sure, but sometimes I just wanted to be back home. I ran out of gas wondering if I were have enough life to make it just a few more steps. The difference is, though, that with a traveling heart, you are never alone. When you run out of gas, Jesus is there with a gas pump in his hand waiting for you. When you are lost, you betchya he's got a map. When you want to pull over and just stop for a minute, sure, he'll wait with you for as long as it takes. 

I thought all I needed was for my shoes to travel far far away, but I’ve never been this far before nor seen things this beautiful and my feet never moved an inch.